What you need to know about FBT 2018

What you need to know about FBT 2018

The Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year ends on 31 March. We’ve outlined the key hot spots for employers and employees. Motor vehicles – using the company car outside of work New safe harbour for utes and commercial vehicles Car parking – are you really declaring the true...
Prime Partners Chartered Accountants is moving

Prime Partners Chartered Accountants is moving

Our home for the last 11 years at 230 Victoria Road Gladesville is scheduled to be demolished to make way for new apartments at the end of this year. After a long search, we have found a new home at Level 4, 1 James Place North Sydney. We will be moving in September...
ATO to Clamp Down on Tax Deductions

ATO to Clamp Down on Tax Deductions

Thinking of claiming that $300 decanter for your future career as a sommelier? Think again. With tax time fast approaching, the ATO have put ITR deductions in their line of fire, clamping down on individuals making excessive and incorrect claims for work-related...
What you need to know about FBT for 2017

What you need to know about FBT for 2017

We know that no one likes to pay tax and certainly no more tax than they should.  But very few people want to be on the wrong side of an Australian Tax Office (ATO) audit where fees and penalties are paid for neglecting your obligations. The Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)...